Category Archives: News: my game music
Music for “Ba**** dino” finished
[ti_audio media=”1612″ repeat=”1″ volume=”75″] [ti_audio media=”1628″ repeat=”1″ volume=”75″] The game’s sponsor decided to change graphics and offered different music, so you obviously won’t be able to play this game as it was when I played it. Still I did my … Continue reading
Music/sfx for “Cave puzzles: a gift” finished!! :)
Lots of work done: – I added more sounds to the game, so that even if you turn off music it doesn’t feel quiet. And actually it is just the way it should be.. all actions or events in the … Continue reading
Music for “Absorption” a flash game by Peregrimm
I wrote music for one more cool game. It is “Absorption” by Peregrimm. You can play it here There are 2 tracks: a very short looped main menu and a 2 minutes long ambient+music ingame track. [ti_audio media=”826″ repeat=”1″ … Continue reading
Music for the “Prehistoric” an upcoming game by SGames
Here they are, the 2 tracks: menu and ingame. A “tower of defense” flash game in the jungle\africa\primal tribes setting. [ti_audio media=”530″ repeat=”1″ volume=”75″] [ti_audio media=”529″ repeat=”1″ volume=”75″]